Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Truth Hurts

Today is the 1st week in our on-line bible study "Behind Those Eyes" that is being hosted by Lelia at Write from the Heart. The author is Lisa Whittle and she is actually taking part in the study with us. Text that is typed in Blue is directly taken from the book.

The chapter for this week is entitled The Truth Hurts and it really does, sometimes more than others.

We were asked to define authenticity and what it means to us. To me being authentic means being real or genuine. I would love to say that I am real all the time but I know that I put on the mask and pretend that everything is fine. Why is that, is it because in our society we have been taught that when people ask "How are you?" they don't really want to know, but are just being polite so we just answer "fine". I love what Lisa said: "Women, our craving for chocolate is nothing in our comparison for our craving for love. Our craving for water after a sweaty workout is nothing in comparison to our craving for genuine acceptance." To me this is why we hide behind our different masks and pretend that we're OK; we fear that we will lose the love or acceptance of the people that are in our lives.

In question 5 Lisa talks about Judas betraying Jesus and the statement that "cover-ups meet a need to get us more of what we want at the time when we don't think the truth will." I recently bought a New Testament Message Bible,(my christian bookstore had them for 5.00) and I loved going back and reading the account of Judas betrayal and than Peter's in this version. When Judas came to kiss Jesus, Matt 26:49 & 50 "He went straight to Jesus, greeted him, 'How are you, Rabbi?' and kissed him. Jesus said, 'Friend, why this charade?'" Jesus knows the deepest parts of my heart and soul and I know there is no pretending with him so why do I put on a charade. Because I live in the real world and like Peter denied Jesus because he was fearful of what people would say or do, I am fearful of being rejected. (I think this comes from my Martha personality). Don't get me wrong all of my co-workers know I am a christian and so do my friends and family, but am I denying Jesus time I could be spending with him when I am watching TV or reading Christian fiction? The answer to that is yes but he is working on me and at least it is Christian fiction now instead of secular. I know he doesn't expect me to spend all my time in the word but I also knows he is aware I could give him more time than I am now.

The challenge question "What is my deepest soul craving" 1. growing closer to him 2. That lonely and hurting women may know God's unconditional Love and grace. ( I know every one needs this but I have a special heart for women who are looking for this in the wrong places becasue except by the grace of god I could be one of them)

I am looking forward to meeting Ms. Perfection next week.


Lisa said...

Hi Pat!
I'm so excited to be on this truth journey with you! Thank you for sharing your heart in this post.

Lisa :)

Lelia Chealey said...

You had some great points in this post Pat!
I loved your honesty here:

I know he doesn't expect me to spend all my time in the word but I also knows he is aware I could give him more time than I am now.

I certainly don't wake up in the morning with the intention of putting Jesus on the back burner, but somehow it happens. Thanks for bringing this to my attention through your thoughts.

Liz said...

Great insight, Pat. Thanks for posting your thoughts. I look forward to reading more.

LeeBird3 said...

Hey Pat! Thanks for your comment on my blog. God's going to do mighty things in us over these weeks! I'm excited!! Lee

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Pat!
I really like your new blog and would like to list you on my blog roll of "Blogs of Inspiration" if that's ok with you. Sometimes there are folks out there looking for an inspirational place to visit and I sure want them to find it!
Thanks so much for stopping by and entering my giveaway! It's so nice to meet you Pat. This blog world is such a wonderful place and I know you will find it fulfilling!
Hugs, Sherry

Tammy said...

Thank you for the visit. Girl, I know what you mean when you wrote about"How are you?" I just what to screamm an say "Do you REALLY want to know?"
Reading your post,I think you have peeked into my heart:)

Pamela (His maidservant) said...

Our hearts are very similiar. I look forward to taking this journey with you. I think this is going to be an amazing journey and we will hold each other up in the painful times and learn to be live in truth!!

In His Graces~Pamela

LynnSC said...

Oh! I love the fact that the Message used the word charade in it's desciption of Judas. How cool is that??

I am looking forward to going through this study with you and the other ladies.
Thanks so much for sharing your heart.

Carol said...

Hi Pat,

I loved your thoughts about watching tv, and even reading Christian Fiction. This is something that I've battled. I want to spend more time with God, but yet how much do I honestly put ahead of my time with the Lord.

I was one of those women who looked for fullfilment in all the wrong ways for many years, and even after my surrender to Jesus, I still catch myself looking other places, before God.


Amy L Brooke said...

Thanks for your comments about "The Thief," I really appreciate it. It was a risk.

So glad you are doing the study. I read it when it first came out but it is fun to do it with others.